Set Fire To The Face On Fire
The walk to the pond had been silent except for his small whimpers and the gentle coos she made in response. It seemed forever before they had made it to the calm peaceful spot, Iskata was alert for the eyes of anyone, not wanting herself or the boy to be seen in this state, she relaxed a tad when she realized that they truly were alone. She stepped back as pace as Haku approached the water and gazed down at the reflection staring back. She wondered just who he saw, the child within or the killer lurking in the shadowy background. She sat quietly pondering her own thoughts while he studied whatever it was in the bottom of the pond that was there.

When he lept into the water she almost startled and lept after him, but then she realized that there was something almost playful in his behavior as he splashed about slightly. After what only seemed like a few moments he turned back towards her and stood in the shallows. She moved forward with a dip of her head and joined him in the waters. His pelt was soaked through but the water wasn't enough to wash out the blood that had been dried out in the sun after so long. She rubbed the matted fur until the friction and water started to break apart the clotted blood and she watched as the waters soon turned pink with the residue of what had once been the life running through innocent veins. Iskata didn't say anything but the tears began to dampen her fur as they made a trail down her face and joined the blood tinted waters.

It had taken her far too long to clean out the blood from his pelt, she knew there was no way whoever he'd killed was presentable in death. A shudder rang down her spine as she nudged Haku from the waters, sighing softly she spoke lightly to the boy, "Let's get you dried up now and you can get some sleep, I can tell you're tired.." After what he'd done of course he'd probably be tired. She pushed and nudged him up onto the sandy bank where the sun was pouring down through the trees. She sat beside him as she began to groom his fur, trying to full up his pelt as the sun helped her to dry Haku's pelt, though she'd washed the blood from his pelt she could still taste and smell the metallic liquid.

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