M. Censored

The brilliantly colored female cursed beneath her breath when she saw the door open, the light growing stronger. Would he be able to see her out here in the darkness of the surrounding city-scape? She held completely still, not daring to breathe for a few seconds. The door opened wider, casting her in the flickering light that she had seen a bit of before. A figure partially blocked the glow, and she stared back at it through the dark. It was indeed a member of Crimson Dreams, it would seem.

Whoever it was didn't seem to be upset...in fact, they seemed fairly genial. "I..." All at once the scents hit her, the smell of pot rank in the air. Aha, maybe that was why he was in such a good mood. She was a complete stranger, after all. Naniko got to her feet slowly, brushing herself off with her hands, continuing to watch his form. "Just visiting the city. Looking at a few plants around this area, hoping they'll be ready to cultivate soon. You...do things a different way, don't you?" From this angle she could more easily see the clear structure behind the building.

Naniko approached slowly, still wary. "I won't decline an offer like yours. I'll come in." She replied, swallowing. The place that he'd put together was very nice indeed. Rustic and simple, but with a certain charm about it. She wasn't the type to make new friends very easily or very quickly, but something about this place seemed inviting and the smell of one of her favorite drugs was enough to lure the ghostly female closer this diamond in the rough. "This place looks amazing. Did you decorate it all yourself, sir?" She knew nothing else to call him, the polite title slipping out instead. "Are you the only one here?

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