Under a Killing Moon
It wasn't the question that was asked but, rather, the voice that it was asked in that made Jasper finally break down in to tears. It was a much different voice than had been spoken before and how that was possible, Jasper wasn't sure. All he knew was that he'd never been so happy to hear a voice before, at least not since that night that something strange had happened to his father, though that moment hadn't even crossed his mind. One hand lifted to rub violently at his eyes, forcing the tears into his fur as he tried frantically to wipe them away. The other hand made motion toward the water, speaking in a still frantic, still frightened voice. Just because it had changed didn't mean that he was any safer than he was before. "I just wanted to look at the water!"

His voice was loud, much louder than normally, almost like an accused child that was frantically trying to point out that he had done nothing wrong. Even as his other hand returned to his body, wrapping tightly around his legs, the opposite hand continued to rub at his eyes, fighting away the tears that seemed to be to fast for him. "I just couldn't sleep." He continued to explain, more quietly than before, in hopes that he could convince his half-brother that he meant no harm at all.


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