M. Censored

"I don't know how good it is..but it's better than nothing" She didn't know if the wild crop would be any better or worse than what he had here. She wanted to keep the few plants' locations a secret for now, though. Naniko had considered uprooting the plants and planting them within Anathema's borders, but she also didn't want to damage the plants in the transport or have them not thrive and be out the drugs. Maybe if she just took one plant and tried.

Perhaps he would be able to give her a little bit of advice. She took his invitation to step inside and sat down, still reveling in the place. She never would have guessed that such a nice looking living area would be found inside of such an ugly building. "How do you keep this place cool in the summer? Wouldn't it get pretty hot in here?" She asked. Maybe he just opened those big doors up.

The four year old was a guest in this place. Even with the obvious cues to Barrett's easygoing nature, she couldn't allow herself to remain anything but vigilant. Her eyes searched out the various exits in the room, the things that she could use as weapons should she need to. She also kept her eye on Barrett, watching how he moved and his position within the room. "I'm definitely not disappointed...this is a nice place. And you seem like the kind of guy I could get along with" She admitted as she took a seat on the couch. "I don't get out too much...but I like to have fun when I do."

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