[M] angry isn't the bet feeling
Mizu was finally pulle out of her thoughts when she smelt something. Her head popped up and she saw a male. She recognized her scent in a second. She had smelt him on Shiloh. Her face twisted in anger, "You.. You're the one who raped Shiloh!" She stood up as quickly as she could. "Don't get any closer to me you little devil!" She looked at him in disgust. "How could you do that to such a kind wolf!?" Her voice was screaming now, she was furious. She watched him carefully.

Mizu backed away and shook her head. If the male ever, ever tried to do anythig to her she would just go crazy. Broken wrist or not she would take this wretched devil down. She hated him, disgust filled her body and she felt so angry that she could cry. She wanted to scream and yell at him but she didn't want to provoke him. She kept her eyes on him at all time, "It would be in your best interest to leave.. NOW!"

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