Mystery Novels and Holy Relics [aw/sage/Valkerie]
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OOC: I hope neither of you mind me setting the scene just a little bit more. Wink pp of sage was approved btw. +5

Valkyrie had been wandering the packlands rather early today, normally she would not find herself outside of her cozy den until well after the sun had risen, but today was different. Her gamboge eyes twinkled extra curiously today, if only because her mood had been brighten by the appearance of her dear owl friend, Hextor. She was excited to get this day started, and since it was still dark outside, Hextor could easily join her for a longer time until he would want to rest. He could also hunt and do whatever while he was out of the caves. Valk had gotten on her favorite blue dress, it being a rare fabric that the wolvens whom had given it to her had found and slightly restored with other pelts and stuff to make it pretty again. She had worn it out though, for it had been worn plenty of times before now and it was starting to rip at the bottom and frayed. Once she learned how to read and write, she'd be able to read on how to make clothing. Or she could find someone who was into the trade who wanted an apprentice. The woman had been on the run though, her maw pulled back in a huge grin as she seemed to dance on dainty feet and on long limbs. She always had been an awkward sight, her limbs tall yet her body small, and her big ol' ears that would forever be like huge radars on her head. The woman was followed by her feathery friend whom flew above her, dodging tree branches and the like to navigate through the wooded area they would have to go through to get to wherever Valkyrie had decided to go.

First she had followed a particular scent that she often did smell around the packlands as of late, it was a burning herb. She had been told what it was before, Marijuana she believed it was called, and she knew that it had been mind-altering and she wasn't really digging that, so she never had tried it. She knew that there were a few people in Inferni that used the drug though and she wondered who would be at the end of the trail that she had been following. It wouldn't take her too long to run into one of the newly promoted Optios that she had chatted shortly with before, and she had seen around Inferni. She had found the woman to be pleasant and it made Valkyrie confident in Inferni changing their ways since they had such a sweet woman at the top of the hierarchy with the fierce Halo Lykoi and Ezekiel De le Poer. It balanced them out, and maybe one day if she could prove her loyalty to the clan once again, she would be able to redeem herself a nice place as the historian of Inferni. It seemed like a good healthy and comfy spot for her to be in. Valkyrie had invited Sage to accompany her this morning on her adventures, and Sage agreed to it, and then they were off to wherever she had decided to take them. Valk had walked out towards the end of the mansion property line and she had caught a scent that was infernian, but unfamiliar to her, which had made her curious as to whom it could be, and where they were at, what they were doing. Hextor would rejoin the two from his perch on top of the mansion as they would approach a place that Valk had never seen before with all of her crazy adventures that would happen around the lands of Inferni.

There was an inquisitive glow about the de le Poer woman, her bright eyes seeming to sparkle in the morning's darkened light. A scent would turn into a voice, and the woman got slightly excited by the sounds she was hearing, something dramatic, like a story, and Valkyrie couldn't help but wag her tail as she had heard the story unfold, and she peeked around the corner, so she could see the storyteller and her antics. Her long tail wagged lightly behind her and a friendly smile sat on her lips as she watched the other woman play with the figurines. The story would come to an end, and she had ended up giggling and starting to clap her hands together as if she was entertained by the show, and she most definitely was. 'hat was'a awe-somes story, lil' lady. the woman spoke to the smaller woman, she then would turn her masked face to her Optio and smiled at her. Dontcha think, Sagey? the woman asked the red nosed woman.

Image credit:

Table by Tammi

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