pierce my heart and steal my soul
((Set for 5/31?))

She had to get out of the lands, had to get away for a while. It wasn't worth hurting over, but the failed mateship stung. Meeting Jasper stung. Losing a fight to lubomir had stung. She'd failed at a lot. She needed to be away and think. She hated leaving the lands, leaving her children behind. She hated it. It was time to get out, get away.

So here she was in a think dense forest. Not too far from home, but far enough to feel safe. Far enough to relax. Far enough. The scent of Haku had faded fom her coat days ago. The scent of Lucifer was deeply inbedded. She bathed in the river, trying to work free of the scents imbedded in her coat. He wasn't hers anymore, h'd proven that during her last desperate bid for his heart. She'd thrown away the ring he'd given her afterwards. He wasn't worth it.

She wasn't depressed, just disappointed. Mates were supposd to be forever, but once again she'd lost out. that was her third mate she'd lost. At least this one wasn't entirely her fault. Partially, yes, but not entirely.

As she wandered, she came across a small cottage. It was lovely, and perfect for her. For just her. She padded up the steps and opened the door. A small room, a fireplace. A kitchenette. A bedroom off to the side. A tiny bathroom. Two small closets. Just right for one femme. The dust was thick in the air.

Deuce spent two days cleaning the cottage. She brought in water from the river just outside and used towles the humans had in the bathroom. When she was done she felt a deep sense of satisfaction. She'd found it and claimed it as hers. She was lounging on the front steps now, just relaxing. The sun had risen sevral hours ago. She missed her boys. But she wasn't ready to go home yet. Not just yet.

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