Why Should I Care?

Table & Coding © Vannah; Yep, almost... at least until he remembered what he was hiding. And sorry for the wait, have been having some stuff going on; 1003 words

The boy was quickly growing to be a master of conning others with his looks. But that was because Bastion knew himself so well. He wasn't without his own weaknesses. He knew them well. Actually they helped him to play up the helpless card and have others doing his bidding. So he could even get his weaknesses to work for him as well. He simply used what he had to get others to do whatever it was that he wanted. And while he hadn't been trying to do so with with Ash at first once he realized that he could he simply couldn't help but to continue to play it up. This other male was given him attention that he so desperately desired. That was the one thing that Bastion really wanted most of all. He wanted someone to pay attention to him and compliment him and respect him. All things that he didn't get from his own parents when he was younger.

He hardly cared for what the other could want or not. He was in control of the situation and he knew it. bastion realized all to well that he would get whatever it was that he desired. But it came down to him actually figuring out just what it was that he desired. So far he was getting what he wanted but did he want more? He was having fun with his game so far. The other was pretty much putty in his little hands. Not only could he make the other tell him just what he wanted to hear he seemed to even be controlling the other male's desires as well. He couldn't say that he wasn't experienced with that either. It was how he had broken a sibling of his. So he knew about lust too.

He gasped as the other's hand squeezed him. That was something he hadn't been expecting at all. Perhaps he wasn't as in control as he had thought that the he was. The male that he was sitting on had been able to surprise him. It wasn't a bad surprise, per say, but it was still a surprise nonetheless. He would just have to be on his guard more. Or maybe not... Now the other was practically begging to be told what to do. "You like?" The question ended up being repeated as the small boy made to lean in to try and nuzzle the other gently. Bastion wasn't against showing affection should it get him whatever it was that he wanted.

The little male was forced to glance down as his panties were grabbed. His mark couldn't be seen so that was a relief. He looked back up towards the other and simply stared as he tried to figure out what it was that he wanted to do. He could most likely get the other to lay back so that he could take him right about now. But did he want that for himself or just because he could do it? His indecisiveness was probably easily readable within his eyes since he wasn't trying to cover it up. But it wasn't like the other could read just what was on his mind. For all the other knew he could easily be confused by the situation as well. For all the other male knew Bastion's mind could be at war with his body as well.

"Play more?" The words were meekly asked when he finally decided to speak up again. For once he was leaving the choice of what was wanted in another's hands. But that was only because at this point Bastion could take it or leave it. He knew just what to do in order to control the other should they meet again. All it took was being pitiful and needing the other male's appreciation to have the other bending to his will. He only had to guilt the other into doing things.

And just in case the other didn't realize what he meant by the question he decided to take it a step further. He reached out to try and slip his hand into the other male's pants to touch furred flesh against furred flesh. But he wouldn't settle on just trying to lay his hand against the front of the other's lower body. Oh no, he would seek to wiggle his fingers to try and get them further down between the other's legs and seek out something entirely different from what was on the front. He wanted to try to tease the other by dragging a claw against the puckered opening should he be allowed to find it. And of course he leaned up to try to lick at the younger male's lips again since he had seemed to enjoy that when he had done so before.

What he was doing was wrong. There were rules against it. Still, he couldn't help but to press the limits. And well, he hadn't exactly committed a sin just yet. Honestly, he could probably even get away with it. Given his particular hobby and the job that he was handed he tended to have outsiders's scents on his body. He would have no issues lying about things. He could say that he was torturing someone. Actually, that wouldn't be too far from the truth. The only thing was that he wasn't after information but just doing it because he could. Still, he should probably try and get information out of the other. It would serve to give him an excuse for all that he did. The way that he had the other acting right now he could probably get him to tell him anything that he wanted. All he really would need was some morsels and tidbits about the pack the other was in. Just tasty little things to feed to the leadership to allow him to do whatever it was that he should desire to do. And of course Bastion wasn't the sort to like restrictions, at least not upon himself.


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