m-You Know I Make You Wanna SCREAM


Table & Coding © Hickey; Those chilluns shouldn't be stalking threads that aren't their own; 346 words


Why wouldn't it fit? It just didn't make sense to him. He was stuck focusing on that dilemma, at least until another's voice pulled his attention away from his dilemma. He glanced up tot he pair that had come... from somewhere. He wasn't even sure where they had come from since he hadn't even noticed the approach or anything. "It broke, trying to fix." He held up the organ that he was trying to get to go back into the body to show just what it was that he was trying to fix. "You fix?" He extended the organ out to the duo. Perhaps they could make it go back in the way that it should since he couldn't seem to manage it himself.

He would be entirely grateful if they could manage it. And of course he would pay close attention so that he knew how to do it himself next time. After all this was his first time trying to piece together what it was that he had taken apart. Generally he just took out the pieces ate them as if he were looking into a snack pack or something. Before he would choose pieces based on looks and just popped them into his mouth to consume. But he tried to do something different this time. He wanted to learn to be able to take them apart and then put them right back together again.

Was it really any surprise that as he got older that he would try to do more? That he would try to branch out and learn new things? He was slowly trying to be become even more capable. After all he had only had this optime body for such a short period of time but he had already grown accustomed to it and they hands that he possessed. They allowed him to do more than he had been able to do prior. He could be more delicate with his hobby. Since he got hands he hadn't had quite as many accidental breakings of his toys as he had before.


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