if your stomach feels weak
She knew she should have told Kansas everything but a small part of her had still wanted him to remain a child even though she knew that he was a young adult now. Sighing to herself as she sat beside him she tried to work out the words while her baby boy was ever so polite. When she felt the soft touch against her cheek she began to relax and smiled at her son. "I'm sorry Kansas." She had been so distracted lately that she'd hardly really had time for them together and she'd wanted to get back all the days she missed from his childhood. Though she knew that was truly impossible she would still try.

Raising her head she gazed off in the distance, between the trees she could catch a glimpse of the pond where she'd washed away the evidence of Haku's sins. A small shudder raced down her spine as she turned back to Kansas, "Hon' your cousin did a very bad thing not too long ago. His sister had been attacked by a coyote when she went too far into their clan's lands.. she lost the pups she was carrying because of it.. but Haku went to find the coyote that had hurt her.. He attacked her in retaliation for what she'd done to Mew, but he went further than that..." She stared down at her paws as she began to speak again, she didn't want to see the look in her son's face as she explained the horrible acts that his own blood had done. "After he was done.. he raped her and left her for dead.. but that wasn't enough.. he found and killed an innocent mother and child who'd had nothing to do with Mew's attack..." she shook her head as she stared down at her paws.

After a few silent moments she raised her head back up and looked off in the distance as she finished her story, "I'd found him afterwards and I cleaned up all traces upon him of the acts he'd done. Haku is responsible for the things he's done, but I don't think he knows what he did. You're cousin is very ill.. but because of the things he's done he's endangered his own family. We have friends in the clan, but that's not even strong enough to keep us safe." She finally turned her eyes back to her son, worry and sadness filled those blue orbs as she begged him one favor. "I've spoken to the leader of Ember's pack, I'm going to go join them and watch over your sister.. but I want you to be safe too, I'd like you to either come with me or go stay with one of the other packs. Naniko would be happy to see you.. if you didn't want to stay with Ember and I." She wished that he'd come with her, but she knew how he felt about his older sister and she just wanted him to be safe. Shaking her head she felt the tears blurring her eyes as she whispered. "I'm sorry Kansas, I just want you safe.." She should have ran when she'd seen Haku on the beach but she hadn't and now she had to make sure she didn't regret the things she'd done.

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