Friends and maple trees

412 words/ I didn't really see mistakes. However, WTF woman?!? you are going to drown my poor Luna! D:

The blonde's enthusiasm at the green eyed woman's suggestion took her by surprise. She didn't expect her to be so eager to learn an ability that she dominated. Maybe this meant more to Saxif than what she thought. But anyways, she was always happy to help.

"I will teach you, yes." She said between chuckles. Saxif's laughter was contagious. "All you have to do is hold your breath, submerge and avoid inhalating..." She explained, but her friend had already anticipated her and had submerged completely save the tips of her ears. During a moment Luna thought about tickling the yellow-ish ears, but she restrained herself from doing so. If she didn, then she risked the other to gasp in surprise and swallow water. She didn't want that to happen, so she waited patiently until the other emmerged, triumphant. "See? it is easy! It is only a matter of practice." She observed how her self proclaimed appentice and friend repeated the action again, while Luna stood there, observing, wagging her tail and smiling.

The earthen colored female saw how this small achievement filled the other with content and pride. Every little thing on life counted, of course. And maybe this ability was more useful than what she thought or admited. Her train of thoughts was cut off when her friend emmerged from the water for the second time. It didn't pass more than two seconds before She felt Saxif's arms surround her and almost made her loose balance. Luna's shocked expression as the girl's arms uncoiled from her body was almost priceless. For a few seconds she stood there, her brow twitching a bit. But as the shock left, her her mood improved. A playful face was set on her face the next time that the blonde emmerged after holding her breath under the water again. "Well, I'm having fun too." Her tone hid something mischievous underneath. Luna approached Saxif slowly, as if she was only walking towards her cassually, and pushed her into the water.

After doing so, she backed away, throwing some water at her while laughing uncontrolably. She felt her face get stiff when a cold breeze made contact with her soaked pelt, turning her laughter into a chattering noise. She stopped throwing water at Saxif and put her arms around her under the water, the only place where her body was resguarded from the wind. She wanted to stay in the water longer, but her body told her otherwise.

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