On the search pt 3

WC:302 OOC: Awesome, and I know how you feel there, it's all good Big Grin

As expected, Niro was once again disappointed. He looked down for a second clenching his hand, not angry at the woman in front of him who told him the news, but that his sister had so far not been in the last three packs, that was what four out of the ten there were? almost half of them. He took deep breaths and shook his head.

“She was an unfortunate victim of a crime so horrible.... so she is probably hiding, but I do not think she is alone. She always had someone to protect her for a while.”

He said quietly, his thoughts still on his sister, were jumbling into the anger he knew so well. He had to compose himself, to make sure that he didn’t lash out. Niro was a controlled man, though he only had problems with his anger when something bothered him enough to set him off. He thought about the potential trade and the alliance possiblility that he could have with this pack and his own.

“Yes, I have also come hoping to trade, I have leathers of all sorts, I have pants, braces, bracelets, gloves, simple boots, even a hat or two, but I am mostly here about a proposition. Are you a leader, or is there one around? I would need their approval for such a thing.”

He said, now he was feeling nervous, knowing he was stepping into unknown grounds, though his last venture to a pack had went well. Ralla had accepted his offer of messanger birds. He hoped that Dahlia would be in the mix. He knew how important it could be to recieve messages quick and efficiently. The reason he was doing this now was in light of his sister’s disappearance.

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