{M} - i fly like pa{p}er, get high like planes.

"First he'd smoked all week"? A tragic thought, surely! Though, what day was it, again? Razekiel could not remember in the least.

The coyote muttered a "groovy," beneath his smile and breath as Barrett scooped the glasses from the air smoothly. The dark male looked on with rose-tinted eyes as the Lykoi fished in his bandana, and with a dazed nod Razekiel grinned. "Totally, man. Can't really smell it when you're that toasted, you know, but I still wanted to see if I could do it. Took a lot of work, man, lots of sweat, but I cut out the smell eventually. Or I think so, you know? Hard to tell when you've already been puffin'." A youthful chortle.

Focus returned to his glasses, at which the coyote could not restrain his ear-to-ear, toothy grin. "Why do you think I wear them, man?!" he laughed heartily. "Everything's real hot-like, yeah, real fab, but you gotta take off the peepers and peep at the Mother with your own eyes sometimes, you know? Her greens and blues are real cherry." Barrett's suggestion of multiple colors only hit him then, and at this Razekiel held his head and exclaimed a great sigh of mind-blowing excitement and overload.

He refocused only when the male handed the glasses back and, pressing the lenses back on his nose, the male eyed the lawnmower once more. "Well, don't let me stop you, mister blitzer," the coyote grinned. "Oh, I'm Razekiel! ...Lyyykoi. Mind if I check out your, uh, 'yardwork'? Real curious-like, you know?"

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