Never More

She was very happy to have a friend living with her in the pack, someone who she could confide in if she had something to talk about that she didn't feel she could go to anyone else about. Naniko didn't have many close friends, but the ones that she did have, she trusted explicitly. She hoped that Axelle didn't feel like she "owed" her anything for having helped her out; Nani had simply been in that same position before and had wanted to do something for the girl at the time. She liked to think that Axelle would have done the same.

"Great! Well, let's head down there and get some. The caves stay pretty chilly at night, even in the it'll do you good to have some. I have a bed of my own, so I don't have any use for them." She motioned for the other to follow her back down the hall. "Then we can work on getting you unpacked and settled, if you'd want some more help. Have you eaten or drank anything today? I have some food and some jars of water in my den" She offered.

Naniko's own den was larger than any other in the denning area, at least twice the size of most single dens. She liked her space; it gave her enough room for her king-sized bed and a small fire pit in the corner. She had a few shelves full of knick-knacks that she'd brought back from the human city, along with a couple of jars of home-made healing salve and a few other herbs. It was a pretty sparse living environment, really.

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