down by the sea


Ghita's words reflected her distress, revealing to her brother that Sophia was the topic weighing heavily upon the usually head-strong Marino. It made him realize that he really hadn't seen his niece around all that often during recent weeks. "Ah, sì, lei è una ragazza che cresce, chi vuole vedere ciò che il mondo la può offrire." He frowned, an almost wistful look alight in his eyes. "Può essere difficile lasciarsi andare." The words came with the ghost of a sigh and an almost imperceptible shift in the way he held himself. Oh yes, Ehno only knew that all too well. He spoke from experience, one he wished he hadn't had to be thrust into as quickly as he did. His own girls were only slightly older than Ghita's first litter, and they had all scattered to the winds. It was hard for the Marino man not to worry for them, but he had to reassure himself that they were adults, as old as he had been when he had first taken leave from Monti Sabini.

He shook his head, trying to seek the right words to comfort her with. He knew it would not be so easy as that; this wasn't a worry that could be simply waved away. There would be no harm in trying, though. "Credo che lei sappia come gestire se stessa là fuori. Dopotutto, lei ha fatto imparare dai migliori, no?" The beginnings of a grin slipped to his maw as he attempted to lighten the mood, unsure of how successful he might be. His words, however light-hearted, were true--with the wild and adventurous Ghita as her mother, little Sophia had quite the role-model. Ehno was certain that his sibling had done right in raising her. Sometimes it seemed that there was little more that they could do than that.


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