One Day

She expected that Scorpius would grow up a bit and find his own way in the world, but still instructed the boy every now and again when it was needed. He was still young, and youth needed guidance and structure to flourish. She would teach her next children that as well…whenever they came along. She hadn’t been sleeping with Viking as much lately and had spent that night with Barrett…that was where she thought that this belly full of pups had come from. It had been too long since she’d been with Viking for them to belong to him.

The first sign had been the sudden drain of energy that she’d experienced, accompanied by sudden onsets of dizziness and nausea. She hadn’t told anyone about it yet, but now it was beginning to show a tiny bit, a defined lump in her midsection announcing it. Naniko hadn’t been feeling too bad this day, the bouts of dizziness far and in-between. They seemed to come more often when she didn’t rest enough or was stressed about one thing or another. Today she planned on taking it easy, wanting to stick to the cave system for the most part.

She caught sight of her son crossing between the rooms and watched what he was doing for a short while before coming out, noting his fire. ”Thought you’d learned not to play with fire, Son” She chided jokingly, a cruel smirk and raised eyebrow visible among her features. ”I’m joking. Keeping busy lately, I’ve noticed”

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