in the crossfire
Iskata didn't want to look like she was cold-hearted but she knew she must of looked it. The lady before her was such a sad sight, claiming to have no clue that the wolf she attacked had been pregnant. She shook her head as she sighed and gazed down at her. "Did you even give her a chance..." She didn't want the lady to think she was favoring her niece, but to loose children you've only dreamed of raising was hard, though she knew that the things that the coyote had been through was just was tramatic. It just seemed like a lose lose situation right now.

She flicked her tail up and down as she waited patiently for the lady to finish, when she spoke up next Iskata snorted and shook her head. "I think that much is obvious, but you have to want to stop being wreckless and careless for it make much different." She knew she was being rude to the lady, but the things she spoke of were just too extreme to excuse. The silver and gold lady finally just gave up and spoke up, "I'm Iskata... and I think you need a little more than help." She smiled sadly at the lady and nudged her flank. "Let's get you somewhere..."

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