Enclave, Entrap, Entertain

Word Count: 899

In Character

Pads whispered across the ground, a silent accompaniment to the tall male who was plodding along behind his master. He had stayed with his master to help him in the bathtub, the site of the cherub taking his bath lifting his heart and banishing all other feelings and thoughts that he had. He couldn’t explain it but when he was with his master, his thoughts and other emotions just seemed so frivolous and here he felt that he could truly be himself and everything would be okay. His troubled mind was at ease when he watched his master act and when his master looked at him with just the right look he felt at ease with the knowledge that he wouldn’t have to worry about his past any longer. But still dreams plagued him, consuming his nights with veritable nightmares that still left him waking up, unable to fall back asleep for hours. He had been gone for so long so as to finish his job on the side that he had been aching and longing to come back to his little master. Now he had him back and they were off to go somewhere else and like a good slave, he was bound and determined to follow his cherub no matter where he went.

The wind blew over the water, attracting the gaze of the blue-eyed lupine and the scents carried with it made his ears prick on top of his head. Ever since the sight in one of his eyes was all but ruined, he had relied on his other scents more than ever before. Luckily his tattered ear was of no consequence and did not hamper him in the slightest. The scents carried to him on the breeze didn’t tell him too much other than that there was the brine of the sea water out in the water beyond but it did tell him that there was something coming up that he hadn’t gone exploring in yet. There was a town up ahead, a ghost town if one would and it was where they were headed to. Looking into the direction of the scents, he looked around as they came upon it. Skeletal remains of the buildings seemed cold, uninviting, and he got this itch in the middle of his back that told him that he wasn’t alone and that him and his young master were being watched. Not really caring for this feeling, he felt that it was also a good place to have other people. If he himself got the creeps from just being here, then imagine what their victims would be feeling? Yes, it would do quite nicely.

Already he could hear the screams of their future victims, a rare sadistic moment that set his inner self on fire. When he came back to the present self, he realized that his cherub had turned down towards the water’s edge. He turned likewise and followed him down, standing just a little up the rocks, the coat around him fluttering in the wind. The scar on his side that marked his pride was covered by his jacket, protecting it from the views of anyone else that would happen by them. Luckily though no one had as of yet questioned him or his little master so it seemed that their clothing would be able to ward off any sort of outside questioning at least for now. Running a hand through his spiky hair, the motion set his golden hoop earring jingling and hitting against the side of his fluffy ear. His other hand rested uneasily on his weapon, the heavy amounts of scars on his arms only the top of what was visible from his traumatic youth. Eyes trained on the younger male as he looked around and seemed to be approving the area for their purposes. They would be able to have their own base of operations here and even though not many, if anyone at all, would know of their ranks or what they did, it would be enough.

He gave a nod of his head with the words, walking down to stand on a little area right beside the other male. He was on a flat enough surface so that if anything decided to jump out at him he would be able to immediately defend his master. Kind eyes that were only soft and vulnerable for his master looked down at his cherub and he gave a little sound in his throat, casting another uneasy gaze around before looking back down. ”Yes, I think that this place will work too. Plenty of places to store the bodies and it’s far enough away that the screams won’t alert the rest of the populace. Shall we go and explore some more master?” He asked with a light tilt of his head as he took a step back up the embankment before he paused and looked back behind him at Bastion as if searching for some kind of response or some kind of notion that maybe the other pack member wasn’t ready to leave yet. He was rather interested in the whispering ghost town, wondering just what secretive places would be ideal to set up their shop in. The pride was going to be counting on them so it was only natural that they find somewhere to make sure that they didn’t fail their leaders, right?

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