The Destroyer of Human History
"WindSeeker Icefur, and the sulking bird is Etalpalli," WindSeeker said, indicating herself and the as yet huffy Etal who was muttering to herself, likely inventive suggestions as to what Wind could go do to herself. Absently running the sharpener down the bowie knife blade she held, the blind She studied this one who called herself Iskata... Sadira, wasn't that the name Cercelee had mentioned in an uncomplementary way? Wind smiled, "We just arrived here last week, and so we really don't know who anyone is yet, so I can't help you find anyone, sorry, but if you can remember any landmarks, I might be able to help with that,"

Wind had been raised in a pack entirely of Americans, but they'd followed very European traditions, meaning that they'd had great knowledge of human ways and artifacts. WindSeeker forgot often that others had not grown up with and did not use the same tools her family did. "Most are knives, hunting implements. I... can't hunt in the conventional way, you see, so I improvise with human tools. These I use to fashion various traps and snares, or to make arrows and other projectiles. Etal helps with the aim, and other useful tasks. I am, for the most part, blind, but have enough vision to aim and make out general body postures," She explained with a smile.

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