if your stomach feels weak
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Kansas felt guilty for failing to spend time with his mother. He knew it was his fault - Iskata had been dealing with a lot lately, but he could have at least been there for her. Instead he was always reading or wandering through the forest by himself. It was his fault, not hers; the look of adoration in her eyes made him regret this more than ever. To his surprise, she was the one who said sorry... He could not tell if it was because of what she was about to say or because she felt badly about something she'd done. What that could possibly be, he was sure he didn't know.

His hope that she had nothing earth-shattering to tell him dried up when she shivered, fear and disbelief all over her pretty face. As the tale unfolded, Kansas' jaw dropped subtly, his eyes wide with horror as though he were still a babe being told a nightmare. But this was true. It wasn't his relation to Haku that repulsed him; it was the fact that someone could do those things and get away with it. Maybe he was a bit of a wuss, because hearing about the rape and slaughter of the coyotes made him feel sick.

It sounded like Iskata had more or less saved her nephew. This was puzzling, but Kansas admired her. She'd risked her life by helping a dangerous and disturbed individual when she didn't have to. He wished he'd been paying more attention so that he might have been useful to her in this difficult task. "He doesn't know...?" That was even more pitiful. When she looked at him with eyes twins to his, such concern was there that he had to look away. He hated to see her like this, dealing with such tragedy after she'd already lost so much. What she'd urged him to do made sense. He was thrilled by how she cared enough to beg him to keep himself safe. He wouldn't have known. "I'm so sorry, Mother. I'm sorry you had to do that by yourself."

He so wanted to be with Iskata and Ember. It seemed to make more sense, living with the family he had nearly lost. And Iskata wanted him with them. But Naniko's face kept surfacing within his mind, and he couldn't push it away. You don't even have to ask. He belonged there. He wanted to keep her safe, too, even though he was unneeded for this. "I... I know it would be better to live with you and Ember, but, I just... I think I should join Twilight Vale. I feel like I need to be there." It felt so wrong to be telling her this, to tell her he was not going to live with her. Iskata would understand, but he didn't want to hurt her. He gave the bottom of her muzzle a small lick as he used to as a boy, hoping the familiar touch of a son who loved her would erase any doubts from her mind.


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