crown of thorns

Word Count → 309

His moment of rest and relaxation was broken by another presence; the familiar scent shifted the air, changing the image of the lost fire fairy into the cold, snowy Queen. His eyes didn't need to open for him to know the one who stood before him: Scorpius. The young man's voice only served to cement the fact. Hello dad, so easily sad, caused the crimson eyes of the Acidic to return to the world; they met with the smaller version of himself, his only son with the winter woman. It wasn't all the same, of course — Scorpius' face was marred by the presence of white, something to hide the truth of something else. Ravesque didn't bother to ask.

With a grunt, he rose to his feet, looming over the younger man with all of the intensity of an apathetic monster. Scorpius had certainly grown in the time Ravesque had turned his head away; already rising into the world of an adult, leaving behind the rest of his siblings. Of course, Jackson and Agony were growing as well — it was something not unnoticed by the man, who was waiting for a time when he would be his own person again. Children had bogged him down, causing his life to toss into a world of semi-calm and order. Before them, he had been a free-roaming man.

He released a sigh. "A while. Has it? Some days I don't keep track of time." His words were spoken with an odd, baritone drawl that suited the hulking brute; pauses between words and sentences offered his brain time to process, and process it did. "They're fine." He couldn't rightly say no trouble at all, as being a father would always be trouble. A large hand stroked his chin as if in thought. "Don't ever become a father, kid; it's more trouble than it's worth."


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