in the crossfire

We can end this here.

Asphyxia didn't want to get up, in fact she wanted to die right there on the spot. As Iskata spoke, sometimes she wanted to jump out and rip out her jugular, but she didn't. The lady kept herself calm, black fur smoothed over from laying there like she had been dead for hours. Slowly getting up, she looked at Iskata, "I'm Asphyxia Holocaust." then she thought for a moment, "I think it's best that I go to my daughter, I was supposed to meet Faolin later... but I haven't moved from my spot." it was true, since the attack she had been laying there like a piece of wood. However now, the black lady with red eyes needed to go see her daughter. First though, she needed to go to her own house where she was going to clean herself up, pour some liquor down her parched throat and hope everything will turn out alright. "...Thank you...Iskata.. Asphyxia never really ever said thank you to anyone except for Gabriel and Faolin, because they were family. "I...I just better go on my own." with this, Asphyxia put herself into full power and launched herself away from Iskata, tears flowing in her eyes as she ran to her home where she'd cry and mourn in embarrassment.


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