goodnight trouble
Definitely good. Big Grin I <3 Hollow. Even in all of his creepiness. xD

She watched the scene from a stationary point in the room, that she did not truly exist in, no body and all emotion. Shock, disturbance, sympathy, heartache and onwards. Incest was a concept that she was well acquatinted with between her mother's crazed hisses of accusation, her grandfather's proudly gruesome stories and threats, and unbeknownst to her, a near-trist of her own. The tenderness between Hollow and his brother hit her with a mixture of thoughts that managed, in this strange movie-dream land, to simplify quickly. Love is love is love, without force and pain and then his sister was there and she wanted to do something but she was nothing.

She was standing on the pile of blankets she had fallen asleep in, where she had taken a vantage point from, and her head swam and chest boomed. When she turned to see him only a few feet away, her breath hitched and she steadied her gaze on him, heavy with the depth that she was beginning to see of him, cradled by what she felt. His presence felt a little realer, perhaps without the initial shock of his presence, or the surroundings that could just as easily be dream as reality. She still couldn't be certain that it was either one.

Poe swallowed, collected her thoughts and managed a few words. "You're back," she whispered with a staggered smile and mixed emotions. She wanted to know more about what she had seen. What he had done. Whys and hows and what-thens that she couldn't fit her lips around, and could only watch him in a sort of greedy-needy anticipation. He had her undivided attention with or without the cinematic insight.


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