There is a difference between dreaming and pretend

Perhaps one might invite Taliesin into this thread now that he's not an NPC anymore?

Umbra was a lot more comfortable with the other in her four-legged form, and relaxed a little after having 'politely' looked away as she shifted. He invented a reason for it, not wanting to let her in on the full truth.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. I've never spent much time with your kind, so it feels a bit strange talking to something not quite in wolf shape."

He nodded at her question, noting her attempt to remain close by and deciding not to make it harder for her. It was reasonable, he supposed, and paid polite attention to the boy's chattering, nodding here and there to make the little one not feel ignored. Of course, he barely listened to what was actually said, but he assumed there would be no pop quiz on it later.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he suddenly said, looking back to the female. "I never introduced myself; my name's Umbra." While he might not have told her his name normally, he had been invited to her pack's lands, and it would make things easier if they could call each other by name. And, of course, knowing her name was a small step closer to learning things about them, right? "Might I inquire as to your names? He included the pup in the question, of course; from the boy's talkativeness, he'd be happy to give the names, but it was more correct to ask the adult in question since she'd be more aware of political and social rules.


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