It's a dangerous game...

Bwahaha ^.^ *bullies Umbra*

He'd barely heard the freak speak behind him and decided to ignore him, when instinct made him turn. It was too late, and the other, now much larger than him, hit his side, knocking him down. Yelping, more of surprise than out of pain, he scrambled to get out from below the shifter. Of course, he was not below dirty tricks, and took advantage of the fact that the un-wolf was already injured by shoving a hind paw into the injured shoulder-neck to push away.

"You fucker," he growled as he finally -- in his opinion it had taken an eternity -- got away enough to throw his own lesser weight on the other. It's just like your kind; you have no sense of honor and ethics. Attacking from behind, of all things.

Deciding to use his mouth to other things than talking, he snapped at Lubomir, still growling. He was fairly inexperienced when it came to fighting, only having squabbled with the other pups in his parental pack, and while mock fights sometimes got serious and his sister was one hell of a fighter, they were never as serious as this.

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