Meeting your match


Liliana took the rope from Alder and watched as he seemed to talk to the other horses but he was more interested in the one near the tree. She smiled as he approached, and he could see that somehow he was talking to the horse, could he really talk to him? It was something that interested her. She understood the animals, but she could not speak with them, though she wanted to, she had no one to teach her. She watched as he looked the horse over then turn to her asking if the mare and the supplies she held was worth the horse in question. Looking at the mare she had no doubts the horse was a good trade, and the furs would help too, not to mention, she was sure that AniWayans could have some use for fur items. She turned and smiled at him.

“They will be just fine! Thank you.”

She was happy he had something good to trade, and she seemed like a very nice horse. She was a beauty and Lili was sure the horse could be taken easily by a member. Then remembering she thought she heard him speaking with the horse, and not at him, she knew she had to fufill her curiousity.

“Were you just talking to the horse? Like actually low speak talk?”

She knew of low speech, but she had never really been near anyone who knew it. It could be interesting, and quite helpful if she learned how to talk with the animals too.

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Table by Alli

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