Won't let the sun wrap its arms around me

Herp a derp <3

The absence of ash on the wind would always make her feel slightly emptier whenever she was away from home. When did she turn into such an easily disturbed personality? The fire in her heart remained vivid, but she couldn’t walk on the tracks it wanted her to follow. While could create life, it was best suited to kill and destroy. She wanted to be violent, but she also wanted peace. Perhaps the strong strings of youth could be manipulated and amended to help her serve a greater cause. Life was a difficult journey with only a few scattered treasures along the way. She would forever thirst for the dreams that would never be real, but the fever had to be sated before she burned to death.

At least the salt was something she recognized, and she inhaled the freshness of it with some contentment as the world darkened around her. But Halo had never feared the dark, not even after she discovered that monsters were real. She wished to be one of them after all, and while she feared many things, she did not want to be afraid for fear itself. So her elegant motion did not suffer with the knowledge that she was being followed. Her footsteps shortened slightly and her pace suffered the effects. Crimson eyes of a dominant predator took off to scout the darkness, though the approaching hunter did not disguise himself with silence.

The sweet song of her one and only loyal companion caressed her mind and gave her peace. ”Do you wish for death?” The exotic woman wondered, her silky voice genuinely curious without the heavy weight of an angry threat behind it. Was she arrogant to announce her superiority so easily?

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