Songs Of Glory
Under clear blue skies, our voices rise in songs of glory

Word Count:: 000 || OOC:: Hullo!

Galileo looked up, his blumine eyes boring into his nephew's. 'I'm making a pack' his words were blunt and toneless. 'Or at least, I think I am'. He looked down again, his hands gripped onto each other tightly. 'It's still in it's planning stage, but right now it's me and two girls, Gemma and Valinta'. Valinta was to be his equal and Gemma his follower. 'I wanted to know if you wanted to join'. He never raised his head through out his speech, his eyes stayed down, glaring at a dark knot in the wooden floor boards. 'It's based on family'. He didn't want to say too much, he still didn't know much about it either.

Times like these he really wished Iven were around. The male was bullish and blunt, perfect for news breaking (and bones). He was similar to Galileo in some respects, he had a similar attitude. And while he was a few inches shorter than the gentleman, his mind had been focused on brute strength rather than finesse. 'I understand if you don't want to come, I mean... Io would kill me'. He'd seen how she'd gotten over Iven and Sarajevo, loosing Aslan wouldn't upset her, but it would sure as hell piss her off. And Galileo was already her prime target. Though the basis of her current anger was questionable.

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