I want to learn, what I can't be taught

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

To be honest, she'd been expecting this. It had happened with Sarajevo and while he hadn't actually left the pack, it was almost the same. He was never around, Io had at first be sad, then angry, and then... And then she hated cared, she had accepted it was apart of growing up.She guessed this was how her father felt when she had left, and how her great aunt had felt. Her mother would have never felt that way though. Her life's loves were still there. The pack would never move, Cesarski would never fall. And Europa would never be so 'cruel and traitorous' as to leave her duties behind.

'Fine' Io said, looking away, her face frowning sharly. 'Go'. She needn't have said anything else. Her tone was sharp, but none the less had the common air calmness about it. 'But you dare turn out like Galileo and I swear...' she trailed off, she had no real threat, but she could come up with one. 'Tell Galileo and his women good luck'. Galileo wwas with two women? Man whore.The good luck part wasn't a lie, she really did wish him all the best. Because even though she hated him, he still grew up with her.

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