Tsigoti Sidanelvhi
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I decided to jump in so you won't have to wait so long, if that's okay. When Erin arrives, you guys can just skip me at will if I'm slow at all, deal? Smile
I figured Dawali might not know her specifically, though he will likely recognize the Utina scent. Let me know if you'd rather have it changed!

Restlessness haunted him. News from the Great Tribe had not soothed his worries, only enhanced them. If his father had fallen to these... raiders, what then of his daughters? His other siblings? His mother? He could not bear the thought of them needing him while he was here, and at the same time he could not bear leaving this place to aid a tribe that was no longer his own. He had created something different here, and though old friends from the Great Tribe found a home here without problems, he knew that some would not as easily accept their life here. Chief Aatu had seemed fine, Liliana had said. Fine. What was 'fine'? It didn't at all mean that he shouldn't be worried. Would he one day awake to shame, to punishment? It was hard to know if he was shaming his family here, or honoring them. He hoped for the latter.

Belle moved almost on her own accord, very familiar with his usual patrol paths. There were other things he should be doing, but it was somehow soothing - and necessary - to sit atop the mare and think as he listened only to the sounds of the territories around him and the deep thuds of the horse's hooves. Today, like many so other days, something interrupted his trail of thoughts and he automatically signaled Belle to change directions and head towards it. A stranger's scent, but not. Did he know this one? It reminded him of the subject he had just been thinking of, and shortly after realizing this he signaled Belle to increase her speed. The paths were quite safe and she did not hesitate. It did not take long until he could spot someone near their borders, as trees gave way to fields around the edges of their land. Wasting no time, he had Belle continue at the same speed while he studied her. It was hardly difficult to come to the conclusion that she was indeed from the Great Tribe. And yet he was puzzled. He approached her. "Greetings." he said bluntly. Should he reveal his rank? It was as if the situation pushed his worries into reality and he had to make a choice right there and then. "I'm Dawali Amara. Are you... an Utina, by any chance?" She certainly smelled similar to Nayati. Suddenly remembering that he had not stepped down from his horse, he mumbled an apology. "I would step down and greet you, but my leg is weakened from an injury.".


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