if your stomach feels weak
She stared at her paws as Kansas took in the words she said, the whispered reply seemed to set her fur on end as she nodded, her eyes closed for a moment as she spoke softly. "He knows now, but he didn't remember doing the things he did... I'm not sure how to explain it son.. Sometimes wolves minds just go bad, they snap and do things that no one can accept.." she opened her eyes and turned to look at her son, searching his face as she tried to explain everything. "I'm not trying to make excuses for the things they do.. but not everyone who does horrible things gets pleasure from the things they do. I don't think Haku is evil, I don't believe that he himself wants to do these acts..." She knew she could explain it and it sound reasonable because the things Haku had done would never seem reasonable or right. She turned back away from him and stared down at her paws once more, silently wishing that this wouldn't bring harm to her loved onces.

The silence was broken when Kansas apologized for the things she'd done she shook her head and smiled down at her son, the sadness showing through her eyes as she spoke up. "No babe, I choose my own actions and I'll live with them." She didn't have to help Haku when she realized that there was a light side to the dark mirror she'd gazed into that first day, but when those innocent eyes had gazed back at her she knew something wasn't right. She'd done the things she'd done and would choose again if she had to. She wasn't proud that she'd cleaned up the world he'd ruined, but it was done. She turned to her boy and sighed, wondering where they would be at the end of this all.

The words he gave her when she offered him the truth, of joining one pack or the other.. or just going off to one that there were no family ties she smiled when he spoke up of going to be with his sister. When he reached over and gave her that small bit of comfort after declaring his choice she smiled down at him, "Thank you Kansas, I know Naniko would be overjoyed to know... and I'm proud of you." Her eyes shined with emotion as she sighed and stared off in the distance to her new home pack. "You'll come visit us though, won't you?" she asked, turning back to Kansas.. not wanting to lose her babe so soon after finding him, but understanding the closeness of her children. They all seemed to find someone to cling to, all except Ember, she worried at that but there was nothing she could do but wait til she found her place.

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