It Cuts Deep

His puzzlement was evident on his face, taking up all of his features as he looked at the woman pulling away from his arms. She slipped out of his hold, and he had to let her go. She wanted to leave his arms and that was all he could do for her now. Anann would not tell him how else to fix things, especially now that they were evidently not Anatoliy's fault. But his. That bastard's. Keese. Somehow, he was behind this, behind all the problems the two of them were going through. Him. It was all him. And still the man could not find it in him to slit that man's throat to let the poisonous life blood spill on the earth so his carcass would do the world some good.

She pulled further away from him, and he could feel his fingers slipping away from her. They fell from her arms, after one last squeeze to her upper arms. His hands were by his side, halfway clenched as he longed to reach out again and stop her from leaving his old home. Anann asked him to stay away. But how could he do it knowing that he was leaving her in the hands of a monster with the worst intentions? He knew, though, that he had to. This was her choice and he could not fight her decision to leave him. To leave him in the dark. And to leave him out of her life now. But he could not help but still want to be a part of it.

But her will was his. So Anatoliy simple silently watched her disappear from him, with only a last look given him before Anann chose to flee from him. From the man who knew that she was in danger and who would happily help protect her. But what was he to do? Nothing. Nothing but watch the woman he loved leave. Slowly, the Russo sat on the couch again, staring blankly at the wall, with to do but clench his fists and fight the desire to chase after someone who did not want him to follow.

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