The Destroyer of Human History
OOC- awesome new avatar there!

Iskata moved a few steps closer at the woman spoke, her tail flicking back and forth as she watched the eagle seemingly sulk as Windseeker explained to her who they were. She smiled as she settled herself down again, sheepishly admitting her problem to the new pack member. "Nice to meet you, both of you that is." nodding to the eagle as well as the silvery hued woman she smiled and chuckled. "I'm not sure I could even point out anyplace I know.. I've only been to Mew's home once.." she felt stupid now that she admitted that, but soon enough it was forgotten as the blind lady explained everything to her.

Picking her feet up she moved closer to examine the blades she was being shown, raising her eyes to gaze at the lady she spoke up softly. "I know what they are, it's just not too many use them around here. I use to have a bow.. back before the fires..." her words drifted off as she thought about what everyone lost in the flames. Shaking her head to rid the thoughts from her mind she added, "I guess I'd have to find me a new bow now though.." tilting her head to the side as she gazed at some of the ones she wasn't use to she smiled a lopsided grin as she chuckled. "My friend and I use to go fishing and set traps for lobsters.. but that was just because we wanted to see how humans managed.." Smiling at the thought she continued, "That was a long time ago though..."

Looking back up at the lady she pipped up quickly, switching the subject in the blink of an eye. "Where are you from then?.. and how did you meet Etalpalli?" she doubted that the wolf had know the bird forever, but she was curious how they'd become a pair, a strange but seemingly efficient pair.

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