goodnight trouble
There was nothing in his eyes, even for the longest time before his death, there had been nothing there. Now though, with Poe lingering so near, the cold fire that had filled them at some point in his short life had returned. Despite knowing that he was dead, or even when he was alive, it was always Poe that could make him feel truly alive. The truth was, Poe had done very little to make Hollow fall for her. She had simply been herself. Quirky, quietly devoted to those the cared for and, perhaps, that was a larger part of the reason that she meant the world to him. He had successfully kept herself hidden from her. To Poe, Hollow wasn't the monster that everyone knew him to be, and her actions and words and feeling toward him were all so really. Perhaps, in a better life, he would've met Poe far before he ever did in his previous life. Perhaps she could have prevented the monster that had reared it's head from ever coming to life.

It was to late for that now, just as it had been to late for him to tell her the truth of his existence when he was living. Fortunately, it seemed that he now had a chance to show her the truth, almost like a test to see just how devoted she could really be. "I would never you leave you." He spoke quietly, calm as he turned his head, lifting it slightly to let his eyes gaze on her. Mixed messages really. Things that he had longed to say to her in his time of living, things that could have possibly made a world of difference back then. He hadn't known it at first, but the dead could feel and love. He did all of those things, all of them, and it was possibly the reason that he had put so much effort into seeing her now. To show her the truth and, perhaps, find out if she really could love him.

Slowly, Hollow lifted his arm to her, extending his hand out to her. He wanted to feel her, to be close to her, but he said nothing to the effect, only a motion of encouragement to come near. "I'll tell you anything you'd like to know." He reassured her, a quiet admission that he had seen the questioning look in her eyes. He would give her the secrets of the universe if he only could.


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