the fit's gonna hit the shan
sorry I'm so late D:

Valinta smiled gently. J'adore was here, and despite looking surprised to see her, he was there. She'd be surprised herself, if he had left and suddenly showed up again... two months later? Three? The female didn't know anymore, having lost track of time most of the time. It wasn't as if she could keep it if she tried to keep track of it. It was too fluid to be kept in one's fingers without trickling out.
But that didn't matter. He was here. Of course, AniWaya was his home. It wasn't as if he was waiting for her at her old house in Cercatori. But it seemed as though everything was fine again. Everything would be better than fine. They'd mate and be happy and raise a family, just like they planned so long ago.
Stepping forward, Valinta opened her arms to embrace him, stopping once the scent of another female reached her. Her arms dropped slowly. "Who.... who is she?" she asked softly.
It seemed everything wouldn't be fine, after all. Valinta held back tears at the realization that he hadn't waited for her. He was surprised because he had a mate and his old flame had reappeared to mess things up. She didn't know whether to be happy or angry or to burst into tears.
Wavering on her different emotions, Valinta stepped back and looked up, way up, in an attempt to reach his eyes.

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