In The End

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 220

Sucky, but i replied >.<

In Character

Others had already gathered and a pang of self-consciousness ran through the pale male, a single thought began to weave through his mind, panic building in his chest. Have I missed everything already? Ice blue eyes scanned through those that had gathered before him, trying to pick out familiar faces and figure out what had already happened, but as the young leader spoke he relaxed and settled at the back, listening as she described what was to happen. His new found home was to be forgotten to form a new one it seemed and so he now had to decide whether to follow or to try and make it on his own.

Considering how he wasn’t the most skilled, reliable, nor social of wolves, he wasn’t entirely sure how welcome he would be under new leadership; the young female had allowed him to join Dahlia de Mai, but would this Razekiel allow him to follow? He wasn’t to sure, but the answer to what he was going to do was clear; he would try and follow them and make a place for himself in this new pack.

Finding his voice, he looked up to the young female leader, unsure at first and then eventually becoming more resolved. “I will follow you” he spoke, a slight smiley sat upon his lips.

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