the fit's gonna hit the shan

OOC here!

J'adore froze, he wasn't sure how to go about doing this. He wasn't even sure if he wanted too either. He didn't know how to do this without making it worse, maybe it was impossible. Either way there was no escaping the fact this was just a conversation that needed to be had. 'Val, listen. She was in a bad place when I met her, she was in a depression and I only helped her to stop her doing something worse. I didn't expect it to go this far...'. He looked in Valinta's eyes, trying to explain was harder than he thought, he had to plan how he said each word and the wording itself. He was at a loss. 'I waited for you, but I thought you'd gone forever, without warning. She needed me... I needed someone, I wanted you but you'd gone'. It had been true that he had become lonely, he had been forced by his impatience, he would now have to pay.

'I still love you' he said softly. He couldn't leave Mizu, despite his contrasting feelings. He couldn't just leave, not with Mizu's condition and the threat from Shurui. The Spaniard bit his lip, unsure of what else to say.

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