shadows dancing in the hall

More Teo thougths. Feel free to decide who wins the race and stuff. xD

Word Count → 000

Camilla was overjoyed to have a new playmate, especially one willing to play in the hay with her! When he challanged her to race, she grinned wickedly and shook her haunches in response. Good luck winning. She teased before bolting off beside him, her long legs sending her foward in a quick burst.

Matteo took a moment to glance over and make sure neither pup was bothering the barn's occupants. He'd let them play, glad to be rid of those watchful hazel eyes, as long as they didn't cause trouble. He didn't know Camilla much more than a few hours, so he wasn't sure if she'd be more like himself or his brother in the trouble department. He dreaded the chances of her being like he'd been at that age anyway, full of mischief and tricks, never getting caught. ...I'd deserve that little piece of karma, wouldn't I?

He took a moment to smile fondly at an old memory; a six month old version of himself, digging up a flower garden that had belonged to his neighbors and then making it look as if Giuseppe had been the one to do it. He'd gotten his ear bitten for it, but at the time he'd believed the fun had been worth the punishment.

...back then, Giuseppe had been more of a parent to Teo than a horrible abusive thing, punishing him when he did bad with nips and scoldings and praising him when he did good. He didn't start hurting me until we shifted. Four legs were far better than two, back home. The young man took a moment to sigh and lean against the side of the stall, the supplies in his arms being readjusted as not to drop them. I hope she doesn't end up changing when she gets her Optime form. I'd hate to see that smile turn dark like ours did.

Image courtesy of Dirk-Jan Kraan@Flickr; coding by the Mentors

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