why do you build me u[p], buttercup?
xD -Loves that she was all up in it- Makes you wonder why none of our characters ever sniff each other's butts when they first meet, rofl. Sorry this post is made of fail X: Also, feel free to poke me if you want any of the PP changed... and feel free to PP Barrett in your next post, too ^^

Barrett kept pace with the raven Korean as she wound through the yawning woods. Most often he moved alongside her, though the actual distance between them fluctuated as they zigzagged back and forth to cover more ground. Wherever the vegetation grew too thick to pass two abreast, he fell in line behind her. It didn't matter that their hunt was on neutral territory or that she was younger; the wolf was passive by nature and rarely felt the need to assert himself. The dark hybrid seemed to have everything under control, and he always responded well to that severe, competent energy. (She wasn't the one who had gotten stuck in a tree, either—perhaps it was best she lead.)

The youth halted in his tracks as she did before him. His ears twisted like satellite dishes in search of some alien signal; his nose wriggled furiously. They were definitely onto something. The boy lowered his snout to the earth and tiptoed quietly about the surrounding area, searching for any tell-tale signs that TaeKyung's trail might be misleading them—but he found none. He nodded in silent confirmation and the dusky duo set off once more, their steps hastening (yet ever soundless) as the trail grew hotter still.

Crack. The soft snap of a twig caused him to pause, crouch low to the earth, and hold his breath all at once. The boy exhaled slowly, then inhaled just as deep. He listened. The herd—or at least several of its members—were on the other side of a thicket. His pale yellow eyes sought out his companion; though no words were spoken, their understanding was mutual and instantaneous. The pair veered off then, with him heading left and her to the right.

He slithered quietly along the perimeter and stopped once the underbrush cleared enough to get a visual. Artemis the huntress smiled upon them tonight. Three stragglers—two does and a fawn. He didn't know where the rest of the herd was, but it didn't matter. Barrett looked for the glimmer of those strange, all-white eyes in the pale moonlight and breathlessly awaited his partner's cue. He would charge when she was ready, or—if she chose to drive the animals towards him, he would lay in wait. As with the rest of their quest, he would defer to her judgement on which particular animal to target, when, and how.

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