Don’t worry about it! Also, I forgot to mention that TaeKyung doesn’t usually travel during the day because her eyes are hyper sensitive to light. But I’ll roll with it! ^w^ Thanks again for starting~! TK is in lupus form, by the way. Hover over speech for translation.
WC: 593

Since her encounter with the male wolf ‘Barry’ nearly a moon ago, the black fae had strayed from her investigation of pack life. The curious canines here had not yet struck a chord within her. Indeed, only Barry had seemed to encourage a lack of fighting. But moreover, since she had helped the large male untangle himself from the grasp of trees, the pain in her leg had been provoked once again. While staying active, the obsidian female had reduced her activities. Even hunting had been reduced to snacking on small fauna—it wasn’t an issue with her higher metabolism, as her slowed activity had reduced the need to feed. While not as filling or as appetizing as venison, rabbit meat was still nutritious. It tasted different from the rabbits of her homeland, but even then, she was fast growing accustom to the new tastes. The memory of her home was becoming faint. One day she might return, but for now, this was her home. These unclaimed lands where the Wild and the need to survive still reigned supreme—this was her home. The black hybrid thought it may remain that way.

That day, the Jindo-wolf hybrid moved her activities into the daylight hours. She was tired and hungry. For several days, she had been unable to find a meal. Unable to feed and replenish her energy, the black fae had decided to cease her practices for the time being. Until she was able to find a meal, energy must be conserved. It was not the first time food had grown scarce, and she knew what to do. Once, near dawn, she had found the trail of a rabbit. Excited by the prospect of her next meal, the black fae had moved into the shadows, mustering up her energy to make the takedown. But her excitement had been premature. The scent of a bear had grown strong, and the scent of rabbit’s blood. Perhaps, if she had had a fuller stomach, she would have had the energy to challenge the bear over his meal. But today was different. Grudgingly, the black fae relinquished the hunt and moved along.

As the golden orb mounted the tree tops, the lunar orbs felt pain. The black female paused closing her eyes as she smelled the air. Day was coming. Her eyes had been made for the night. Those eerily white orbs that shone in the dark had been specialized for reflecting light—a near-perfect night vision. But in the daytime hours, the sun was too bright, a burning beacon to a bird flying to high. It was dangerous for her—she knew she could go blind if she stayed to long in the light. But the urgency of feeding was hot on her heels. She had no choice but to continue. Shutting her eyes, the black fae took several steps further, her grace undaunted by the lack of sight. Black nose twitched as cooler airs were sought—shade. She had found it. But even the shade was too bright she learned as she tried to peer through her lids. A soft growl was emitted from her graceful throat. Perhaps she could wait....

Black auricles swiveled as she caught a scent. The black nose turned toward the tree’s crown as she realized that she had intruded upon another’s currently occupied space. “Hehl-loh,” the alto song greeted, her voice almost cold for its lack of warmth. “Ah-i yoo-seu sheh-doh too?” Always the black female began with neutral behavior and assessed the individual with which she shared the tree.

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