crown of thorns

Side note: Ravesque has had his piercings since the cult, so he would have had them throughout the entirety of Scorpius' life. Probably the same with his hair.

Word Count → 437

He did not try to explain his slow-working mind to his son — Scorpius was far younger, and therefore had no reason to know — though he openly admitted to lazy days and absence of time. When living underground, it only made sense; there was no sunlight to help guide him through the days, and they all seemed to blur together. He didn't leave the caverns frequently. Darkness was a life he understood well. His mind had adapted to being a creature of the underground. The loss of time was simply a rational side effect — the sun guided the daytime, the moon guided the night, and in the haven home of Anathema, shadows enveloped both. This was how it'd been living under the Tribunal. It was almost how it'd been within Jaded Shadows. He was not unused to the darkness, but perhaps Scorpius was too young to understand such a thing.

The surprise that wrote itself across his son's face at his words left the large Acidic vaguely confused. The growl was met with a lift of his lips, briefly baring faintly stained teeth in an act of aggression; defiance was not something Ravesque was often met with, certainly not from his boys (Agony was a different story, with her obsessive need to clean herself and domineering attitude over her siblings). But the response made his surprise clear: the fact that Ravesque encouraged an absence of children was displeasing.

Laughter escaped him, rumbling and deep laughter. "To be fair, Scorpius, you're all young. You don't know what it means to be a parent, or how difficult it is." He held four years experience over his son, and who knew how long it would take for the marred boy to find a female? As far as Ravesque knew, there were no prospects for the d'Angelo. All he saw as far as women around the dark, smaller version of himself was Naniko.

Another laugh rumbled forth at the boy's words about avoiding his mother's 'bad side'. Something sparkled in the Acidic's crimson eyes. "You say we as if you have the ability to stick me there; I'm glad to see naivety doesn't fade with adulthood." In truth, Ravesque did not find children distasteful — after all, he had nine of them. He rubbed at his chin thoughtfully, giving a misplaced grin as he continued to speak. "I can give your mother something you can't, Scorpius; I don't think I'll get on her 'bad side'." He scratched the thick mass of dark mane that fell along his back, staring into the darkness around him as the air fell silent of his voice.


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