One Day

Whew; my Rew thread post wiped me out! XD

"Yes." She said. She stuck her tongue out a tiny bit at him to show that she was joking with him, giving a small chuckle. Her boy was so sensitive about things. He began to eat and she took a large chunk herself, chewing thoughtfully as he accepted her offer. The maps would have to be pretty complex and all drawn in the same style for one to see how they continued into each other. It would take many pieces of paper. "I wish to continue to add on to the drawing in the main cave...the large map that we have there of the caves" She mentioned.

"But after you get done with yours. The one in the main cave is pretty general...I'm sure we could adapt whatever you draw in a larger sense so that everyone can understand it. It's getting into those areas and finding all the new caves and tunnels that are the hard part. I'd recommend you bring some kind of a light, definitely." He was ahead of her in that thought. There were some extra torches in the supply room, but she'd have to go about making more if Scorpius was serious about his map-making and exploring. "What have you been up to other than that? Have you made any new friends in the pack lately, son?"

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