In The End

Jaden was practically in love with Dahlia de Mai. The land, the pack, and the very idea of being part of it all were so disarming and fantastic. It had only been a few days since the Alaskan had joined Dahlia’s ranks and not a single minute of that time had been wasted. The trees were all new. The fields were full of herbs and small game. Nearly all the man’s time had been spent exploring and trying to mentally map this entire new place. It was his home now and the pride he had found for it was glorious. No rock was safe and no building would be spared. He would know this place inside and out if it took the rest of his life to explore.

A peacefully coastline he had no name for yet was his latest victim. Its soft sand and sea breeze kept the atmosphere calm. The sound of the waves crashing ashore took the place of other pleasant ambiance but was not loud enough to over ride a call that came on the wind. Taking his eyes off an Island that lay not to far off shore, Jaden listened. It was his Alpha. Nayru called genuinely for all ears to hear. Without a second thought, the explorer quickly quit his exploring and changed to his secui form. Tossing the satchel that contained all his worldly possessions onto his back, he was off as quickly as he could in the direction her voice came from.

Running along, Jaden gave surprisingly little thought to as why Nayru called everyone to her now. He was much to full with thoughts of pride and eagerness to serve. It didn’t matter what Dahlia needed of him because he would give everything for them now. He owed them that much. It took a good while before the source of Nayru’s call was found though. A small town the subordinate thought to be called Wolfville smelled heavily of pack members he didn’t know. Out of breath but still determined, he took quick steps into the dilapidated city and followed one of many scent trails leading toward the town square.

Awe and pride struck Jaden when he saw the majority of his pack gathered before their Alpha expectedly. He quickly lowered his head for all other pack members who he assumed to be more respected than himself and quietly settled into the outer left side of the crowed. There was no desire in him to be noticed by the majority of his pack yet and he found strange feelings of shyness he had never felt when he stood before such a crowed.

Nayru’s voice filled the air only a short time later. The words she spoke were a bit confusing at first. Change? Dahlia no more? What did she mean? Jaden had only just gotten here! What needed changing?? Nothing! The land was perfect! His new home was something to be proud of, not tossed aside like a half eaten deer carcass! Her proposition made him a little uncomfortable and was astonishing. So much change in such a small time frame did not fit the former loner. Six months ago he had brushed death more than once to get to Souls’. One month ago he had given up killing for a life of peace. Only a week ago he was a loner with no home and no real friends to speak of. Now that he had a pack and a land to call his own. Nayru wanted to take it all away for something unknown and “greater”. How could she possibly anticipate how her pack and a strange pack would interact in a brand new land together? So much more change was nearly inconceivable now that Jaden had finally started settling in.

Razekiel Lykoi also held one very negative quality for Jaden; he was a coyote. The subordinate’s brow furrowed. He had decided that having coyotes in his pack might be unavoidable, but calling one his Alpha? It was unheard of! Why was all of this suddenly changing when he decided it was time to pick up on pack life again? Conor had been such a promising leader. He had owed Conor his life and in turn Dahlia his servitude. Placing his trust in a female leader he didn’t know was difficult to do, but he had. Nayru held all the respect Conor once had from him. But why did she have to ask this of him now? Testing his loyalty with a coyote leader and so much change was unfair.

But Jaden still listened. Obediently, he heard of vineyards, forests, new shores, and new wolves. Their scarred past hadn’t been his to live. It was all too much. Just too much to ask and too much change. None of it struck a fine cored until the word family drifted past Nayru’s lips. Family was such a fragile subject to the subordinate mostly because he had none to speak. The promise of family began to rekindle his wavering belief in Nayru’s leadership. The look he received from her was the finishing touch her speech really needed for him. When it finally faded into silence with a simple question Jaden had no doubt in his mind what he wanted. The weak would stay and the strong would go. They would have a family better then any other. “I will join the new family and gladly follow you too, Nayru.” Jaden added respectfully after the others had spoken. “Long live Ichika no Ho-en!”

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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