if your stomach feels weak

Do ya want to keep going, or wrap this up soon? Smile

Kansas had read about humans who did things they hadn't meant to when emotion poisoned their minds. Their actions weren't their choice, because something evil had taken hold of them and made them do the terrible things they did. This was how he could make sense of it, whether it was right or wrong; though he did think he had it close. He could believe that Haku had a good heart, but Kansas didn't want to think about it too far past that; he didn't want to try to make sense of what he couldn't. He nodded; understanding but not quite. She wanted to make sure he knew she wasn't making excuses for his cousin, and he gave a small, reassuring smile. "I know. I know what you mean."

His uncertainty did not go away when she accepted his choice. Guilt still twisted him in knots; her eyes were and had throughout this conversation been filled with tiredness and sorrow. He couldn't imagine coming home to this sort of thing. She was strong, but what if her strength quelled? Maybe he needed to be there to make sure she had someone else to lean on. His choice had been made, and though his heart screamed at him to change it, he felt he had done the right thing. His smile grew. "Of course. All the time. You and Ember... And if you ever need anything, please find me. I want to... to help you."


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