Heaven ain't close in a place like this

OOC here! Table by Sie; Image from Flickr

The strutting ebony pelt magnified his already impressive size. Without a second, closer look he would seem like a fully grown wolf, but Pan was still a child, though not for much longer now. But in his mind, he was a child in a big, dark forest of the unknown. The trees were taller here than back home. Not the home with the stone sky, but that of thorns and mystical ruins. Sunlight mattered little as long as the scenery it shone down on was unfamiliar in these platinum eyes. He had seen the skulls on distance, but continued past them in the early morning hours, and now he was very lost in this large, green world.

But no, he refused to let fear get a better hold than now. He was about to become an adult; he would be as large and strong and terrifying as his father, and it was the world that needed to fear him, not the opposite. And there! There was a prey, and he would kill it and show it to his parents. They would be proud. His movement immediately changed into something more suiting of the predator. Was it luck that had kept the young deer’s eyes away from his direction? The sound of his sister’s voice seemed to reach perfectly black ears, but it was not unnatural for him to hear the whisperings of ghosts.

Young Pandemic was not an experienced hunter, and his timing was not perfect as he broke into a slightly clumsy speed with paws that still were a little bit too large for the rest of him. His stomach was not in dire need of meat, and when the animal reacted to his swiftly incoming form, he almost laughed with surprise at the perfect speed it seemed to obtain instantly. But he was the god of darkness, and Tak would have his prey eventually. ”Raaawr!”

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