Point Me Toward the Morning - AW
The behemoth had skipped the pack meeting. For some reason being around people who weren’t happy about this arrangement just wouldn’t help his mood any. Already his thoughts on this whole debacle where guarded, a hippie commune of peace, just exactly one of the things he loathed. Nayru had brought him here and already he wondered if he should leave and strike out on his own some place. But today the man dressed only in the fur he was born with walked along the center part of the territory trying to find something that he found interesting and or endearing about this place. For now his irritable nature was in full swing and it shown on his facial features, almost in a constant state of maddening aggressive reflections. So unlike the purpose of this pack, his own anger, destructive behavior, and willingness to engage in battle struck an almost opposite view of the views he was now supposed to uphold. He hadn’t been told about that, the loops he’d have to jump through to vanquish villains, to handle trespassers.

Finally his eyes settled along the young female, not recognizing her and figuring she was once a part of Phoenix Valley. The militant male contemplated introducing himself, and argued against it, not sure he was up for meeting someone new right now. Or meeting someone with a highly positive outlook on this new arrangement. But his feet carried him to her and he found himself a few feet away before his mouth opened to let loose a hello.

“Bonjour Madam, how are you?”

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