where is my mind? [aw]

The silver woman was almost asleep. The waves brought her peace despite her hurting mind. Her wild thoughts were being tamed by the calming water, so calming that the girl’s eyes grew heavy and her mind finally shut off momentarily. However, the girl’s peace was interrupted after a moment when an unfamiliar voice called out to her. Green eyes open snapped open, though they quickly narrowed in irritation at the disruption. Magnolia knew she should be social and meet her new family members, and yet she hesitated to do that.

Magnolia looked over to the source of the sound, and a young optime girl stood before her. She was clearly younger than Magnolia, and for the first time in a while she smiled. “Oh, I was just thinking,” the teenager said, staring at the multicolored no-longer-puppy-not-yet-adult. She was a familiar face, the girl had been in attendance at the family dinner. She sat next to what Magnolia assumed to be her brother, but she wasn’t sure who her parents were. “Are you Larkspur’s kid?” An educated guess, based on the way she acted at the dinner.

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