Won't let the sun wrap its arms around me

Word Count » 3+

It was enthralling, to finally find a creature with a canny likeness to he. In truth, Sirius knew precious little about the woman - She was Inferni bred, most probably Lykoi blood. Gabrielkin? It was difficult to be certain. But those ruby eyes of hers spoke where placid mask did not, and he was spiked with thrill to find them hesitating upon him.

Her dry humor was scathing, but Sirius took the insult lightly, shrugging it off with an eloquent gesture of amiability. Few new the danger of the Hunter - Skills kept tightly leashed. But perhaps she saw it fleetingly, the potent poison within his eyes, for the wildcat had yet to resort to anger or fear.

Any negative response to his approach was clearly covered by the woman's interest in his pack. The bait he lured before her, knowledge and thus power, was quickly snapped up by an angled head and sparkling rubies. The question, voiced smoothly but clearly with much intent. It was obvious then to the Thistle King that his pack had, indeed, been partially responsible for her traversing so far from the skull-lined borders, and it pleased him to know that Salsola held intrigue.

Pupils narrowed, thin slits of ebony suspicion that lingered, almost invisible in their depths of flat and poisonous olive. However, the charming smile remained. For a moment, he allowed silence to fall between them, contemplative of just how much information should be given to this woman. There were strict guidelines governing the secrecy of Salsola - Both for its defense, and offense. But he was Boss, above the laws that bound his beloved Family, and she was more than a mere pawn, he could tell that now. "No, I do not," Came the cool drawl, tenor tones sly as the male began to edge around her, moving to circle so that eyes might rove more freely over the woman's perfectly constructed form.

"Rather, my dear-" Another sharp smile, and this time his eyes glittered with pride, dark fringe falling in disarray to temporarily obscure such venomous sights, "- it very much belongs to me."

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