
PP with permission! :3

Seemingly undaunted by his melodies and close proximity, the woman — whom he now easily detected the scent of Inferni upon — flipped through the journal, revealing countless pages of sketches and doodles he raised his brows and whistled at. He had never been much of an artist, despite his time in the very imagination-driven Juniper Peace so many years ago; rather, the prince had dabbled in music, horticulture and general spirituality rather than devoting his time to the arts. Of course, he had never discouraged it of his children, and to his knowledge Sage had taken up painting, and Micah had at least expressed an interest in it as a child, though he hadn't expressed that same interest in his father...

"Impressive, impressive," he smiled, nodding as his straw-hued eyes browsed the journal entries, the paper painted pink through the aid the rose lenses on his nose. His gaze raised to her at her next words, for a moment reading those scarlet red eyes that flashed faces before his vision — the very same red in the evil eyes of Samael, or the the innocent and loving red eyes of Nayru. Which would this Inferni girl's turn out to be?

He smiled sweetly, then reaching with ringed fingers and wrists coated with jingling bracelets, he gently slipped the journal from her fingers and set it aside. "Nonsense, tulip," Razekiel said, unfazed, as he raised back to his feet and collected her now vacant hand, pulling her up to match. He took one last inhalation from the joint then spit it and rubbed it into the ground, making a mental note to pick it up again later. "If you are a weed, then you are a weed more beautiful than any rose, man, trust me — the flower's right in your eyes," he murmured, swinging his hand around the bend of her back while clasping her hand, and forced her into a rather impromptu dance, smiling sheepishly to himself yet charmingly humming as he swung her around nonchalantly, even if she was a little messy on her feet...

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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