if your stomach feels weak
not yet, but soon!

Iskata smiled down at her son as he assured her that he understood what she meant. Bowing her head she stared at her siler and gold paws before her as she spoke up once more, her words painful and troubled "Kansas, do you remember when you were tiny and DaVinci came to visit us?" she raised her eyes to gaze at her son as she continued. "Before you were born, even before Magdalena and DaVinci were born.. there'd been fights breaking out between Inferni and Clouded Tears, the pack I belonged to before we lived in Storm. I'd been attacked while visiting a friend who lived in the clan. What.. Haku did.. The same thing had happened to me. DaVinci's father had raped me.." dropping her head back to her paws she sighed.

"I.. just don't want you to think that the coyotes are all bad. Haku's sister had been attacked by a coyote, but her attacked didn't deserve the fate Haku decided for her... No one deserves that. Your own brother is a half breed. When he returns he won't look like you at all.. he looks just like his father..." She was only telling her son these things because she didn't want him to grow up hating the coyotes only to realize oneday his own brother was one. Fighting back the memories she looked back to Kansas and seemed to plead with her son. "..I just don't want my family torn apart again.. I just got you all back." her smile was weak and halfhearted as she gazed down at her boy.

Murmuring softly she didn't think as the words floated out. "You'll make your pack proud one day Kansas.. " she smiled at him warmly as she banished the memories away finally. "I know I can always count on you..." He was her baby boy, but already he was growing too fast for her. So responsible and caring.. he would make her proud.

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